10 Amazing Hijab DIY Fashion Projects

Hijab Accessories DIY1. Paint Hijab Bobby Pins with Nail Polish For A New Look

Paint the bobby pins with different nail polish colors to bring variety in your accessories.

Hijab Pin Organizar2. DIY Hijab Pins Organizer with Donut 
If you tend to always lose your pins after removing hijab and then always have to look for them again and again, then this is perfect for you. Sew a foam to make it into a donut shape and there you go. You can now organize your pins easily.

Alternatively, a normal pin cushion works well too!

DIY hijab3. DIY Hijab Button Pins.

Mostly, the way to tie your hijab is with the use of pins. Most of the girls use common pins to do that. So why not enhance the beauty of your hijab by making those pins look really good. This simple DIY button pin tutorial is the simple way to do that! Just join two buttons with glue stick then attach the pin with it and you are ready.

DIY Hijab Tutorials4. Necklace Over Hijab

Instead of throwing away your old accessories, re-purpose them by using them as added fashion materials for your hijab. All you need is to be creative in the idea on how to use them. For example, you can use an old necklace with your hijab to give it a new look.

5. DIY Hijab Sewing 

DIY Hijab Projects

#6. DIY Hijab Organizer

If you are looking for ideas on how to organize your hijabs easily then you really need to see this simple tip! All you need is a hanger, and a few pieces of bathroom shower rings. Simply put the shower rings through the hanger, now you can easily organize your hijabs like this.

This tip will greatly save some space in your wardrobe. Also, you can easily choose your preferred hijab this way, instead of looking one by one in a pile of hijabs.

7. DIY Hijab Bobby Pins Tutorial 

Hijab Accessories Tutorials

8. DIY Hijab Bow Tutorial

DIY Hijab Fashion IDeas

9. DIY Hijab Flower Pin 

To Make This Flower You need following things:
  • Glue Gun
  • Glue Stick
  • Flat Flower Head Pins
  • A Wire Cutter
  • A flower / accessory of your choice. 
Follow this photo tutorial.

DIY Hijab Accessories Tutorial

10. DIY Hijab Button Bobby Pins

diy Hijab bobby pins tutorials

credits to: outfittrends.com
